Cynilion Pob Dydd
Everyday savings accounts are a quick and easy way to manage your money on a daily basis.
Gros* bob blwyddyn | AER† | Isafswm i'w agor | Yn cynnwys bonws | Rhybudd i godi arian | ||
1 Year Triple Access Regular Saver | 5.75% | 5.75% | £1 | No | None | Mwy o fanylion |
First Home Steps Online Issue 3 | 5.00% | 5.00% | £1 | No | None | Mwy o fanylion |
First Home Steps Account Issue 4 | 5.00% | 5.00% | £1 | No | None | Mwy o fanylion |
Branch 5 Access Bonus Saver Issue 2 | 4.35% | 4.35% | £1 | Yes | Dim | Mwy o fanylion |
Online Bonus Triple Access Issue 3 | 4.75% | 4.75% | £1 | Yes | None | Mwy o fanylion |
Online Easy Access | 3.25% | 3.25% | £1 | No | Dim | Mwy o fanylion |
Branch Instant Access | 3.25% | 3.25% | £1 | No | Dim | Mwy o fanylion |