Maturity savings
Rewarding your loyalty
We offer exclusive rates to our loyal Members. If your account is coming to an end, choose a product from below.
To take advantage of these exclusive rates, you must apply within 14 days of your maturity date (14 days before and 14 days after). If we don’t hear from you before maturity, your balance will automatically be moved into the account we told you about in your maturity notice. Once your money is in this account, you won’t need to give us any notice, and you can make withdrawals or close the account whenever you want.
Please note, the advertised rates are limited availability and can be withdrawn or amended at any time. We apply the rate available on the date of application. This means the rates provided in your maturity pack are not guaranteed so it is essential you send us your maturity instructions as soon as possible.
- Fully reinvest online - You can fully reinvest in a new bond or ISA online, after receiving your maturity pack. You’ll benefit from exclusive rates and save yourself a phone call.
- Top up your savings - You can make additional deposits up to 5 business days after opening your new fixed account.
- Take out a little and reinvest the rest - On the other hand, if you would like to reinvest in a new bond or ISA with some of your money rather than all of it you can by sending the form in your maturity pack to us.
- Withdraw and close - If you wish to withdraw your funds you can transfer your money directly into your nominated account from the day of maturity or simply let the product mature into the account we told you about in your maturity notice. Alternatively, choose to receive a cheque by visiting branch with your ID and account details.
Product | Balance | Gros* bob blwyddyn / AER† | Link | |
1 Year Regular Saver Bond (Issue 34) | £20 - £250 (per calendar month) | 5.50% (fixed) | More Info | |
Maturity 1 Year Fixed Rate Bond (FRB157) | £500-£2,000,000 | 4.50% (fixed) | More Info | |
Maturity 2 Year Fixed Rate Bond (FRB158) | £500-£2,000,000 | 4.30% (fixed) | More Info | |
Maturity 3 Year Fixed Rate Bond (FRB159) | £500-£2,000,000 | 4.10% (fixed) | More Info | |
Maturity 5 Year Fixed Rate Bond (FRB160) | £500-£2,000,000 | 3.80% (fixed) | More Info |
Product | Balance | Tax-free^ each year / AER† | Link | |
Maturity 1 Year Fixed Rate Cash ISA (FRISA161) | £500 plus | 4.50% (fixed) | More Info | |
Maturity 2 Year Fixed Rate Cash ISA (FRISA162) | £500 plus | 4.25% (fixed) | More Info | |
Maturity 3 Year Fixed Rate Cash ISA (FRISA163) | £500 plus | 4.05% (fixed) | More Info | |
Maturity 5 Year Fixed Rate Cash ISA (FRISA164) | £500 plus | 3.75% (fixed) | More Info |
^ Tax-free means UK Income Tax and Capital Gains Tax is not deducted from the interest you earn. This depends on your individual circumstances, and may change in future.
* Gross interest is the rate of interest before income tax is deducted at the rate set by law.
† AER stands for Annual Equivalent Rate and illustrates what the interest rate would be if interest were paid once each year on the whole balance, including previous interest payments.
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