Six tips to avoid overspending on Black Friday

Six tips to avoid overspending on Black Friday

Last updated: 04/11/2022

The season of temptation is upon us. With monthly budgets getting tighter and the festive season just around the corner, it can be easy to get swept up by Black Friday mania. 

Ahead of the big shopping event, which in 2022 falls on 25th November, we’ve gathered some tips below to help you resist spending too much during the upcoming madness. 

Avoid digital temptation

It’s impossible to scroll social media this time of year without seeing big, bright pop-ups offering ‘PRE-CHRISTMAS BARGAINS’! You can block each individual ad as it comes up, or you can cut the problem off at the source and take a cheeky holiday from the apps that give you the most hassle. It’s not forever and you don’t have to stop using your phone entirely, but it might just save you from getting sucked in. 

Support small businesses instead

Black Friday tends to only benefit big retailers. So, why not try supporting some of your favourite local businesses instead? You don’t have to spend big – grab a spiced latte at your favourite coffee shop or brighten up your home with a bunch of flowers from your local florist. If you do decide to invest in something bigger, such as handmade furniture or bespoke kitchenware, you can take comfort in the fact that you’re supporting your local community.

Re-think your purchases

One of the major problems with Black Friday is the sheer volume of deals. In the clutter and confusion, it can often be hard to focus on whether you really need a new toaster, or whether your Secret Santa would genuinely appreciate that electric toothbrush in their Christmas stocking. 

This is where a physical list can come in handy. Outline the things you really, actually need and specific gift ideas for friends and relatives. It might help to pin this list somewhere you’re going to see it every day, like the fridge door, or fold it up in your wallet for an on-the-go reminder. 

Beware fake deals

Not all Black Friday ‘deals’ are what they seem. Once you’ve decided that you definitely need to buy something, do your homework before jumping on a deal. Research has shown that 98% of the discounts seen on Black Friday deals were available for the same price or cheaper in the six months after the sales. 

It can help to keep an eye on the prices of items you want to buy ahead of Black Friday to see how much they fluctuate. When the big day eventually arrives, try comparing prices on a few different websites, or use a free tool such as Price Runner to compare prices across retailers.

Check return policies

If you do decide to commit to a Black Friday deal, go into it with your eyes wide open and commit an extra few seconds checking the fine print before splashing the cash.

Part of that is ensuring you understand your rights to return a product if you change your mind or it isn’t up to scratch. 

Remember that FOMO isn’t real

As you may have experienced, the fear of missing out (FOMO) doesn’t just apply to social situations. Letting a potential bargain pass can feel exactly the same. And with the ticking clock counting down the hours on Black Friday, it’s easy to get sucked into the mania. So, remind yourself that discounts and offers tend to continue over the whole of the weekend, and lead into the Cyber Monday sales on November 28 – there’s no need to rush yourself into a bad deal! 

Click on the buttons below to read more content about Christmas in your home:

Christmas shopping: tips for avoiding stress and debt
Keeping household bills down in the winter months
How to master your Christmas budget

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