Corporate Governance
As a mutual society, owned by and run for the benefit of our 500,000 customers, we are proud and committed to maintaining the highest standards of honesty and openness in the way we do business. In this section, you will be able to find some of the ways that we continue to build pride in our organisation.
Board Members
Information about our Board of Directors can be found here along with Matters Reserved for the Board, an overview of the Board's 6 Committees, the Board Composition Policy and the Internal Audit Charter.
Principality Building Society Rules
The Rules of the Society set out how the Principality operates.
Principality Building Society Memorandum
The Memorandum outlines the Society’s activities, purpose and extent of its powers.
Annual General Meeting
Our AGM is your opportunity to meet Principality directors and colleagues, hear about our achievements and future plans, make your opinion count and voice your thoughts. Here are the results of our latest AGM.
Financial Reports
Here you can locate our Annual Reports, Summary Financial Statement, Tax Strategy, Pillar III Disclosures.
Annual Report on Slavery and Human Trafficking
At Principality Building Society, we have a zero tolerance to slavery, servitude, forced labour and human trafficking. Here you can find our annual statement.
Gender Pay Report
Here you can find out more about our Gender Pay Report along with details of our commitment to the Women in Finance Charter.
Principality Suppliers
Our third party suppliers and potential suppliers can access information regarding policies and procedures.