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At Principality, we understand the importance of home. Whether you’re buying, selling up or looking at how you can maximise living in your existing property - we've created useful articles, guides and apps that can help you at every stage of your home journey.

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Ukraine flag in the shape of a heartAs part of our commitment to supporting our communities, any Principality mortgage customers considering opening their homes to Ukraine refugees as part of the ‘Homes for Ukraine’ government scheme, can be reassured that we will make this process as straightforward as possible and we will not place any unnecessary obstacles in your way.

All that we ask of our customers is that those who are accepted as refugee sponsors let us know when this is approved, as well as remaining aware of the latest guidance being shared by the UK Government, via the Homes for Ukraine sponsorship webpage, which will be developing further over the next few weeks. For further information, visit our page on the Ukraine crisis.

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