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New website, better experience

Find out how we've improved our website for you...
Snapshot of BDM finder

In this article

Why we’ve changed things

We’ve worked hard to make things simpler and easier for you. And we’ve injected some new things into our brand identity but haven’t moved too far away from the look and feel you expect from us at Principality. We hope these improvements help you find your way around.  

We’re going to keep improving things as we go. We’ll be busy understanding what works, tweaking and updating things, and adding new tools and functionality to help you help your clients.

What’s changed?

What's in

What's out

An updated lending criteria tool with an improved search bar and filter, allowing you to find what you need more quickly. Plus a refreshed BDM finder with more information about your local Business Development Manager.

Information spread across lots of downloadable documents and pages.

We’ve reorganised our menu into subcategories to make it easier for you to find what you need. We’ve aimed for clearly labelled shelves in a newly organised space. 

An unhelpful navigation bar which didn't point you in the right direction. 

We’ve made more use of colours that are accessible for people with colour blindness and improve contrast for screen readers. 

Too much red and white on the page. 
We love our 'dragon red’, but online it makes things difficult to read and wasn’t great for accessibility. You’ll still see it peppered around; but less of it. 

Simple language combined with new icons and illustrations to simplify complex financial information.

Confusing financial jargon on plain, uninteresting pages.